How Can I Check out eBooks and Digital Audiobooks?

HMCPL offers several ways to check out not only eBooks and audiobooks, but download movies, TV, and music as well. OverDrive/Libby and Hoopla are the two platforms HMCPL uses to offer digital checkouts. 

The Valley Digital Library (OverDrive)

  • The Valley Digital Library (VDL) is powered by a company called OverDrive. OverDrive also produces the app you can use on your device for the VDL. This app is called Libby. 
  • Login to the VD or the Libby app with your HMCPL card number and PIN. If you do not have a PIN or it no longer works, you can reset it in person at any HMCPL branch, or you can reset it at
  • You can check out up to 10 titles at a time and place up to 10 holds at a time. There are over 14,000 titles currently on the VDL to choose from. 
  • OverDrive also offers eBooks in Kindle format if you prefer to use your Kindle. Please keep in mind that when you check out a Kindle eBook, it will then push you to your Amazon account to complete and download the checkout.
  • Titles return by themselves on the due date, or you can return a title early. 
  • The VDL is also home to Kanopy, a streaming movie service. Find Kanopy by going to the "Extras" section on your Libby app, or go to Kanopy and follow the steps there. You will be asked to create an account using an email address and your library card and PIN. 
  • OverDrive Help and Libby Help are excellent starting points for new users or if a user has a question or problem. There are sections for those just getting started, as well as troubleshooting tips and error solutions.  

Hoopla Digital

  • Hoopla offers over 1 million eBooks, audiobooks, movies, TV shows, and music albums to check out. Hoopla titles are available without any holds or wait times.
  • You can register for an account at Hoopla by using your current HMCPL card number. 
  • You can check out up to 5 titles per calendar month, with a lending period of 21 days for eBooks, audiobooks, and comics; 7 days for music and BingePasses; 3 days for movies and TV shows. At the first of each month, the count resets. Used checkouts do not roll over. Titles return themselves by the due date.
  • Bonus Borrows, titles that do not count against your monthly limit of 5, are available to check out the last 7 days of each month. 
  • Hoopla FAQs is an excellent starting point for new users or if a user has a question or problem. There are sections for those just getting started, as well as troubleshooting tips and error solutions.  Still need help? Email for technical support. 

Links to OverDrive and Hoopla can also be found on HMCPL's Books & Media page.


  • Last Updated Mar 19, 2024
  • Views 2514
  • Answered By Ann Lee Phillips

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